Additional Titanic Titan Sub Remains & Wreckage Recovered


The remaining chunks from the Titan sub are still being picked up from the ocean floor, even months after it imploded and killed all passengers aboard.

More material from the tragedy was recovered last week, but just got announced Tuesday by the U.S. Coast Guard — which says their marine safety engineers have scooped additional pieces of the submersible from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

As far as what exactly they recovered … the sub’s titanium endcap, among other unidentified parts. The Coast Guard says it also found more “presumed human remains.” The remains are going to be transported for further analysis.

This marks the second plunge the U.S. Coast Guard has undertaken … the first was done way back in June, when the 5 people inside were confirmed to have perished. During that initial outing, much of the submersible was found … and it looked awfully crumpled.

Remembering The Oceangate Submersible Passengers

Remember, the whole point of the mission — through private company, OceanGate — was to take tourists down to see the famous sunken ship. While it had completed successful dives in the past … this one proved to be ill-fated and deadly.

OceanGate’s CEO, Stockton Rush, was among those onboard. The other passengers who died included Paul Henri-Nargeolet, Hamish Hardin, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman.

Titanic Pictures From OceanGate Expeditions

It’s unclear if any more voyages are going to happen to look for any outstanding pieces of wreckage — but at some point … the Coast Guard is expected to hold a press conference to address all their findings.

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