DEAR DEIDRE: EVEN though she cheated on me multiple times, it is my ex’s latest relationship that stings the most.
She shamelessly flaunts her new man on social media and boasts about their “energetic bedroom activities”. But I still miss her.
I put everything into our marriage and thought we’d grow old together.
Instead, I feel rejected and do not think I can ever trust another woman again.
My wife and I were married for 20 years. I’m 50, she’s 48 and we have three grown-up children.
During our marriage, she had at least two affairs, that I know of. It could have been more.
She’d disappear off for days, leaving me to look after the kids.
Stupidly, I always took her back.
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Then, when the children had finally left home, she announced she’d met someone else and wanted a divorce.
I still think about her every day, even though we’re not in contact.
She is marrying her new man soon and I feel insanely jealous. He’s 42. I can’t help looking at her social media and torturing myself with her posts — the meals out, the holidays.
Things we should be doing together.
She even took him to the place in Italy where we spent our honeymoon.
That really hurt me. I’ve tried dating since we divorced but I rarely get beyond the first meeting.
The women I see don’t match up to my ex in looks or personality.
I know I come across as insecure and find myself talking about my divorce, which is off-putting.
How can I move forward?
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DEIDRE SAYS: Your ex-wife treated you appallingly and it sounds like she has destroyed your self-esteem.
Do not let her destroy your future too. You are not to blame for what happened.
Sadly, you fell in love with someone who was selfish and didn’t deserve you. But not all women are like her.
Now it is time to stop living in the past. You are a good and loving man who has a lot to offer someone.
Torturing yourself with your ex’s pictures is doing you no favours.
Block her social media so that you won’t be tempted.
My support packs, Cheating, Can You Get Over It? Building Self-esteem and Moving On should help you.
Talking to someone would also be a good idea. Also, do think about having some counselling.
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